Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, can lead to serious health complications if left untreated. Factors that can contribute to high blood pressure include:
Traditional herbal remedies: Tinctures, teas and decoctions made from herbs like valerian, hawthorn, and lemon can help reduce blood pressure over time. For example, valerian tea has a calming effect that can lower stress levels. Hawthorn extracts help improve heart health. Lemon peel contains antioxidants that support vascular function.
Lifestyle changes: Losing excess weight, reducing sodium intake, eating a balanced diet, managing stress, exercising regularly, and getting quality sleep can all help lower high blood pressure. Avoiding smoking and alcohol is also recommended.
Medications: If lifestyle changes are not enough, medications like diuretics, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and beta blockers may be prescribed to lower blood pressure.
Procedures: For severe hypertension, minimally invasive procedures like stenting can widen narrowed arteries. Coronary bypass surgery can reroute blood flow around blocked vessels. New techniques like external counterpulsation utilize external pressure cuffs to improve circulation.
Emerging treatments: Cutting-edge therapies like genetic modification, stem cell therapy, implantable devices and artificial hearts offer hope for better hypertension control in the future.
With a combination of natural remedies, medications as needed, and lifestyle changes, most cases of high blood pressure can be successfully managed. But it's critical to consult with your doctor regularly. Controlling hypertension reduces the risk of associated health complications like stroke, heart attack, kidney disease and heart failure down the road.
We've compiled the top 10 natural products and lifestyle changes you can use to reduce high blood pressure symptoms.